This page upsets me because Rei is crying and terrible things are happening to him - but I also really like this page because I think I nailed the art here. Comic creator struggles.
In other news, I'm in Japan (yay!) for studying (almost yay!) This is a scheduled update so as you read this I'm probably crashing after a full day's travel. But I'll still try and check in for your comments and questions!
Also, a few weeks back I mentioned that I'd be taking a week off after Chapter 1 finished. I changed that slightly so the updates will go like this:
6 Nov (Mon): Chapter 1 ends
13 Nov (Mon): Chapter 2 Cover
20 Nov (Mon): Chapter 2, page 1 - updates resume Mondays + Thursdays.
So instead of having a week with no updates, we'll have 2 weeks with just a Monday update, and then resume as normal on the 20 November. This will give me time to wind down from my trip and to touch up the Chapter 2 pages so you can get them at their best! (it'll also give you, the readers, enough time to digest the thrilling end of this chapter, and the exciting cover of chapter 2!!)
That's all for today - thanks for reading and commenting, and I'll see you all on Monday!

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