This marks the end of the first chapter of Vainglorious! A lot of things have happened - we've learned about little dragon Rei and his life in the nest, and seen the Queen with her countless servants, and this is only the beginning! I'd like to take a moment to reflect a bit and do some thanking:
When I submitted my pitch to Hiveworks back in the May/June submissions of 2016, I could only hope I'd prepared this story well enough to be considered. While I've had the idea for Vainglorious floating around in my head for a few years, I worked hard for a good six months finalising the plot, preparing pages, and finalising character designs, in order to meet the submission deadline (all while finishing a degree!). Waiting for a reply was far worse than all the prep work I did. I heard there were hundreds of submissions (600+ i think?) and I woke up every day wondering if that was the day I would get an an email from Hiveworks telling me if I got in or not. I got an email in July saying I was invited to an interview with Hiveworks and promptly burst into tears. It's no exaggeration when I say making comics is my dream job - that moment meant so much to me.
I'm so grateful to Hiveworks for accepting Vainglorious and hosting it through its first chapter. Thank you to Kevin and Erin for the lovely site design and tech support, as well as Isa, Jo, and the rest of the staff for believing in this webcomic and giving it a chance to shine!
Thank you to my sister for beta reading and helping me edit countless revisions, to my family as a whole for supporting my dream, and all my friends who - from the very early sketches of Rei and his companions - kept consistently pestering me for more content.
And most importantly, thank you to all you wonderful, amazing readers for such a great reception! It's been a joy reading your comments, jokes, and theories - as well as seeing the art you've drawn!! I hope you can continue to stick around for future chapters, and enjoy the adventures Rei and other characters will embark on.
If you're enjoying Vainglorious, you can support it just by sharing links to friends or retweeting update notifications on Twitter! If you want to do a little extra, you can always buy me a coffee or two on Ko-fi! Now's a good as time as any to get someone new into this comic - as well as a good time to re-read all of Chapter 1 in one go!!
As I mentioned at the start of the scheduled updates, there will be no update this Thursday. The next update will be on Monday 13 November. By that time, I will be back in Australia (what a short trip!)
Thank you so, so much for reading this far, I hope you're ready to explore the world beyond Rei's nest!

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