That's the end of chapter 2!! Thank you for reading so far! What do you think this desert town will have to offer? What sort of plans will Rei and Hammer set in motion once they set foot there? Will Hammer get his clothes back?? Answers to those questions and more can be found next time, in Chapter 3!
As a reminder: There will be no update on Monday - Chapter 3 will begin next Thursday (8 Feb).
To close off, the Vainglorious twitter reached over 100 followers this past weekend so I celebrated with a little comic you can read below:

Thank you for reading up to this point and for your great comments and fan work!! It's super encouraging to see you all excited about this comic - from each like on a VG tweet to big questions in the comments that test the limits of my worldbuilding!
You can help support me and this comic by buying me a coffee below, retweeting any of my Vainglorious tweets, or simply sharing Vainglorious with a friend!
Thank you for stopping by and see you next Thursday!

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