That's the end of Chapter 4! Who are these people that found Rei (and Hammer) at the bottom of this forest floor? How do they know Rei's a dragon? Will Hammer be forgotten or will he have a proper burial service? All answers to these questions and more will come in Chapter 5!
But first! I must remind you: today's update is at the beginning of August! And
almost a year ago, on August 31, the very first 3 pages (and one chapter cover!) of Vainglorious was uploaded for you readers to discover. (I'll make a proper emotional post closer to the actual anniversary date don't worry)
But what this means for now is, August will be a month of celebration. For this special month, a group of 12 artists have given their talent and time to make fun, lively art to commemorate this comic and its characters. It's awesome, it's funny, it's glorious.
Don't forget to tune in next week, Monday, to look at the very first of our guest artists!
And if you have enjoyed this comic so far, and can't get enough, also consider becoming my
Patron or buying me a
Coffee! To help celebrate as well, why not share this comic with a friend or
retweet and
reblog update links to your favourite accounts? Let's make this a party!
Thank you for reading, commenting, and for joining me, Rei and Hammer on this big adventure!
<3 Kelly