Von and Hammer out here spilling all of Rei's secrets like

A lot of you were fearing that Von would do Exactly This in the last update and you were all right. It's in their nature. Von is just Like That. But it seems to be turning out for the best! (?)
Also! Thanks to many, many of you on Patreon and Ko-fi, we've reached another Patreon goal!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much to those of you who have shown support through these channels, I hope you're enjoying the bonus content.
Some of you here have asked for a cast page earlier which I promised I would make - so to those of you who have been waiting, thank you for your patience! I've already drawn some character art for the cast page and will try and put this up over the chapter break - which starts next week!
This chapter will end on Thursday, so the next update after that will be the following week on
December 6. Check back then for a really nice chapter cover!
Until then, thank you for reading and commenting! I'll see you this Thursday!
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