Today's page brings us back to the Guardian of the Year™, where their search for Rei comes to an end (yay?).
The dragons in panel 7 were submitted designs by Savannah Flores, which you can see here in the comments of page 9! It was exciting to include them in this page - I hope I did them justice! (I can't accept any extra dragon designs at the moment, but if you want to share any dragons you've drawn just for the sake of it, link me!)
Fanart! I've been receiving great fanart from you on twitter and I don't think I've featured them yet! So: here's a lovely Rei by @blackdragonfla1, the majestic Queen by @eritiacoli, and floofy little dragons by @Swampy_Witch! Remember to check the comments under each page as well because sometimes there's fanart there too! Thank you so much - it never fails to brighten up my day!
In other news, this is my last update while I'm in Australia, and the first of a few scheduled updates! (fingers crossed this uploads at the right time!) I'll have landed in Japan by the time you read the next update - it's my first time going so I'm pretty excited!
Thank you for all your great comments, art, and even just for reading - I'll see you all this Thursday!

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